One hundred!
I launched Well Well Well in 2022 because I wanted to future-proof my body after breast cancer treatment, but this community has exploded into so much more than that.
I’ve loved learning about how to make exercise a habit that sticks, what really works in the peri/meno stage, the neuroscience behind sabotaging healthy habits, and countless nutritional controversies.
So what have been my top 5 takeaways from the past 100 editions?
There is no anti-cancer silver bullet. Believe me, I really tried to find one. BUT there is a lot that you can do to reduce your risk. And the best evidence is around the things you already know you should doing: eating well, exercising, reducing alcohol, managing stress, having good social connections, avoiding environmental toxins where you can, improving sleep… So the challenge is really how to make yourself do those things.
Wellness only works if you can find a way to make it fun. As the author Susan Cain says: “I started exercising only when I found activities I adored. I started eating copious amounts of vegetables only when I found dishes I loved. And I started writing only when I took to working in sunny cafe windows.” You will only be able to stick with something if you like it. So please don’t ever think that you’ve “failed” at exercise, healthy eating or drinking less alcohol. It probably just means that you haven’t yet found the movement that makes your body feel good, the meals that are as delicious as they are nutritious, or the alcohol-free drinks that you look forward to as much as you would a G&T.
Self-awareness is vital, because everyone is different. When a friend described the exhilaration she gets from cold water immersion as “like an orgasm”, I realised that my experience of it is veeeeery different 😂 It does not make my body feel good in that way. But I’m not sitting around feeling bad about that - I’m out here trying to find the healthy habits that do make me feel good.
Environment plays a huge role. Having a sense of agency over our health is so important. And while there are some things about your environment that you can’t change - all those sweets will still be artfully displayed at your child’s eye-level when you go to the supermarket - there are many that you can. Think about the people with whom you surround yourself, and how you spend your downtime. Think about the food on your shopping list and the drinks in your fridge. Think about what you see when you walk into your home, or unlock your phone. All of that can be tweaked to help you make healthier choices and feel good.
No one is perfect. Literally no one! Don’t beat yourself up if you drank too much on election night, or stress-ate a finger of fudge that you found in the back of the cupboard because you were on a deadline (NOTE: I did both of those things last week). Get the basics of good health right most of the time, and you can relax.
And remember: it’s only good for you if you enjoy it!
There are some changes coming at Well Well Well after the summer. I’d be really interested to know if you would like to see more audio or video content on here. Please do tap on the handy little poll below to let me know what you think.
This week I’m…
Chatting about mindful drinking on this aptly-named podcast
A bit obsessed with the news that anti-ageing vaccines might be on the horizon
Listening to Adam Grant’s fascinating conversation with linguist Anne Curzan. My compulsion to correct incorrect grammar has probably lost me friends over the years, but at least I have a smug sense of superiority, right?? If you’re like me then a) let’s hang out and chat about apostrophe use on café signage, and b) this podcast might just change the way you think about grammar (and therefore life).
Congratulations on 100! I am fairly new but have your archive on my reading list ready to delve into what I missed. Looking forward to everything that is to come xx
Congrats on this milestone Rosamund! I've loved getting to know you and your work more here xo