Who run the world?
One unseasonably warm spring day earlier this year, high on sunshine and kombucha, I responded with uncharacteristic enthusiasm when a friend suggested we sign up for a half marathon.
I have never been a runner. The first time I bought trainers designed for running rather than wearing with a cropped jean was the summer of 2020 when, like every 30something woman latching onto pandemic clichés, I downloaded the Couch to 5k app. Yes, I also did Zoom quizzes, baked banana bread and cajoled the kids into working out with Joe Wicks - sorry if all of that is as triggering for you to read as it was for me to write.
Anyway, I got through around six weeks of the Couch to 5k programme, but gave up when they started asking me to run for any longer than 20 minutes in one go. (By the way, if you followed me on social media during this time, you might think that I was a seasoned…