I breastfeed, one of our two almost a year. And I STILL was diagnosed with breast cancer in my late 60’s. The blame game needs to stop. There are a myriad of reasons anyone gets a particular disease. Most will NEVER be known! Eternally only maybes to be pondered. For every risk factor there are millions with everything on the list who never have an issue.

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SO TRIGGERING. thought I had left all that stuff about not being able to breastfeed behind - it was just absolutely bloody impossible - and now this. makes me wild with rage how people assume it's some kind of choice!!!

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I think research into cancer and genetics and lifestyle factors is brilliant and more research (so we can develop our understanding of cancer) is much needed. But we also need research into the people who aren't exercising 150 mins a week, eating all the red meat etc and are really healthy! Also, what isn't brilliant is the click-bait headlines and the blame game. Plus, I believe those click-bait headlines articles that don't explain the research properly can actually be dangerous. People will be reluctant to share their diagnosis because of misunderstanding caused by news articles and the fear they will be blamed, but also some people will put off going to the doctors because they will think that they don't drink heavily, active etc so it can't be them. I was diagnosed with bowel cancer and probably should have gone to the doctors earlier but thought that I was healthy, too young etc and that it couldn't be anything serious. Like you say, it's a tricky area to navigate.

Finally, I had no idea that coffee isn't recommended. I went into early menopause when the cancer returned in my ovaries and I LOVE my coffee. Eeeks, I had no idea re caffeine and bones.

Em x

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I breastfed three children, the last one for a year just once a day, I don’t drink, I’m not obese, I’ve never smoked & I exercise yet I still developed breast cancer 🤷🏼‍♀️ aged 51. Personally I put it down to a very stressful time a couple of years before & wonder whether drinking water from the same cheap refilled plastic bottles for years may have had an effect. It doesn’t run in our family & maybe there is just an element of really bad luck.

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